Speech on Terrorism


Today I am going to tell you about a very terrifying topic which has shaken the whole world, "Terrorism". Terrorism refers to an illegal act which aims to create fear among people. It is considered as threat to humanity. For the first time, Naxalites from Bengal region entered in India in 1967.
If a person or group spread violence, riots, burglaries, rapes, kidnappings, fighting, bombings, all of these are terrorism. Indirectly or directly many things are reason behind the terrorism.
Some main causes of terrorism:
*Production of bombs, missiles, gun weapon etc. It gives terrorists an easy way to spread terror.
*Rapid population is another reason behind terrorism.
*Politics is the another factor for producing terrorism. Politicians use many inhuman things against public to win in election. Often you have heard about the local rivals who use to threat and kill people.
*People face injustice and lose their belief on system. It makes them unsatisfied. They are not supported even by government. They even loses their fundamental rights also. At last they choose wrong way to satisfy themselves.
*Lack of education may be the another reason. If a person is convincing an illiterate person to perform illegal actions and to make easy money, the person become greedy for the huge money and performs such illegal activities.
*Bad associations like Jaish-e-Muhammad raise terrorism. They train the terrorists. They diverse the people against the country or religion.

Similarly there are a lot of causes which help terrorism to grow. If you see in the past, you may find many terrorist attacks in your country. If I talk about Mumbai Bomb Blast, Hotel Taj Attack (26-11), Uri Attack, Pulwama Attack and so on.. We have lost many of the brave soldiers and citizens. Our govt. is seeking to get rid of it. And Uri Surgical Strike and Pulwama Surgical Strikes are the steps to threat terrorists. But we know all, some of us are traitors who cheat their nation for just few money.
Terrorism has no religion and cast. They spread only terror in people just for personal intentions.
The world's biggest terrorist attack was World Trade Centre Attack by Osama Bin Laden on 11 Sept,2001 in the strongest country of the world USA. Thousands of people injured and died there. USA act on the day as Black Day.
Effects of terrorism:
*They spread fear in people.
*They destroy govt. and private properties.
*Humans and animals are killed.
*A dependence of humanity is raised.
*After watching a terrorist attack, a new terrorist born.

Simply, terrorism is the single enemy of the world. But few countries like Pakistan provide them shelter and land to grow terrorist activities. They think that terrorism can bring the power to their country but they don't understand that they are growing their problems day by day.
I think if every single citizen will love their country more than their family, on that day there will never happen any terrorist acts in India. We are integrated and we must show this, whether you are Hindu, Muslim or another.
Thank You! Jai Hind!
